| ![]() DOE-STD-1020-2002
International Building Code 2000
ASCE 7-98
The seismic provisions in the Uniform Building Code (UBC) 1997 have not been found
to be equivalent to the 1997 NEHRP provisions. However, this code may be used on case by
case basis as long as the intent of the seismic provisions in this standard are met (Based on IBC
2000/1997 NEHRP provisions). The seismic design maps associated with 1997 UBC are
generally out of date (over 20 years old) and at a minimum the MCE ground motion maps in IBC
2000 should be consulted to ensure that DBE ground motion are adequate and conservative.
Other model building codes may be followed provided site-specific ground motion data is
incorporated into the development of the earthquake loading in a manner consistent with DOE-
STD-1023, and the NEHRP provisions.
For PC-3 and PC-4 SSCs, these seismic design and evaluation criteria specify that
seismic evaluation be accomplished by dynamic analysis. The recommended approach is to
perform an elastic response spectrum dynamic analysis to evaluate the elastic seismic demand on
SSCs. Inelastic energy absorption capability is allowed by permitting limited inelastic behavior.
By these provisions, the inelastic energy absorption capacity of structures is accounted for by the
parameter, F. However, strength and ductile detailing for the entire load path should be
assured. Elastically computed seismic response is reduced by F values ranging from 1 to 3 as a
means of accounting for inelastic energy absorption capability. The same F values are
specified for both Performance Categories of 3 and 4. In order to achieve the conservatism
appropriate for the different Performance Categories, the reduced seismic forces are multiplied
by a scale factor. Scale factors are specified for Performance Category 3 and 4. The resulting
factored seismic forces are combined with non-seismic concurrent loads and then compared to
code ultimate response limits. Alternatively for PC-3 and PC-4 SSCs, non-linear static (push-
over analysis) may be adequate, and in extreme cases a non-linear dynamic analysis may be
used, if justified. F factors should not be used when performing non linear analysis. For
concrete structures, the design detailing provisions from the ACI 349 which provide ductility,
toughness, and redundancy, are also required such that SSCs can fully achieve potential inelastic
energy absorption capability (for other materials, follow relevant codes listed in Chapter 1).
Also, explicit consideration of relative seismic anchor motion (SAM) effects is required for PC-
3 and PC-4 SSCs.
The overall DOE Seismic Design and Evaluation Procedure is shown in Figure 2-3. In
addition to the general provisions described in this chapter, the topics discussed in Appendix C
should be considered before commencing design or evaluation.
2.3 Seismic Design and Evaluation of Structures, Systems, and
Select Performance Categories of structure, system, or component based on DOE
G 420.1-2 (Ref. 1-2) and DOE-STD-1021 (Ref. 1-10).
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