| ![]() DOE-STD-1020-2002
For sites with PC-3 or PC-4 SSCs, obtain or develop a seismic hazard curve and
design response spectra in accordance with DOE-STD-1023 (Ref. 2-19) for all
performance categories based on site characterization discussed in DOE-STD-1022
(Ref. 1-14).
Establish design basis earthquake from PH, (see Table 2-1) mean seismic hazard
curve, and median response spectra.
For sites with only PC-1 and PC-2 SSCs, and no site-specific seismic hazard
curve, obtain seismic coefficients from model building codes which are based on
national seismic hazard maps prepared by the United States Geological Survey.
If available, site specific data can be used for these categories but with
limitations imposed in the IBC 2000.
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