| ![]() DOE-STD-1020-2002
Table 3-4 Recommended Tornado Missile Barriers * for Performance Category 3
Missile Criteria
Recommended Missile Barrier
Horizontal Component:
2x4 timber plank
8-in. CMU wall with one #4 rebar grouted in each vertical cell and trussed
15 lb @ 100 mph
horizontal joint reinforced @ 16 in. on center
max. height 150 ft.
Single width brick veneer attached to stud wall with metal ties
above ground
4 in. concrete slab with #3 rebar @ 6 in. on center each way in middle of
Vertical Component:
2x4 timber plank
4 in. concrete slab with #3 rebar @ 6 in. on center each way in middle of
15 lb @ 70 mph
Horizontal Component:
12-in. CMU wall with #4 rebar in each vertical cell and grouted; #4 rebar
3-in. diameter
horizontal @ 8 in. on center
steel pipe 75 lb
@ 50 mph
max. height 75 ft.
Nominal 12-in. wall consisting of 8-in. CMU with #4 rebar in each vertical
above ground
cell and grouted; #4 rebar horizontal @ 8 in. on center; single width brick
masonry on outside face; horizontal ties @ 16 in. on center
9.5- in. reinforced brick cavity wall with #4 rebar @ 8 in. on center each
way in the cavity; cavity filled with 2500 psi concrete; horizontal ties @
16 in. on center
8-in. concrete slab with #4 rebar @ 8 in. on center each way placed 1.5
in. from each face
Vertical Component:
3-in. diameter steel pipe 75 lb
6-in. concrete slab with #4 rebar @ 12 in. on center each way 1.5 in. from
@ 35 mph
inside face
See Footnote of Table 3-1 for interim conservative approach.
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