| ![]() DOE-STD-1020-2002
Performance Category 4
The performance goal for Performance Category 4 requires more conservative criteria
than Performance Category 3. In some geographic regions, tornadoes must be considered.
Straight Winds and Hurricanes
For those sites where tornadoes are not a viable threat, the recommended basic wind
Once the design wind speeds are established and the importance factors applied,
determination of Performance Category 4 wind loads is identical to Performance Category 3,
except as noted below. SSCs in category Performance Category 4 may be designed or evaluated
by ASD or SD methods, as appropriate for the material being used in construction. As with
Performance Category 3, the wind hazard exceedance probability contributes a larger percentage
of the total probabilistic performance goal than Performance Categories 1 or 2. Less
conservatism is needed in the design and evaluation procedure. The degree of conservatism for
Performance Category 4 is the same as Performance Category 3. Thus, the load combinations
for both the ASD and SD are the same for Performance Categories 3 and 4.
Although the design wind speeds in Performance Category 4 are larger than Performance
Category 3, the same missiles are specified (Table 3-3), except the maximum height above
ground is 50 ft instead of 30 ft for Performance Category 4.
For those sites requiring design for tornadoes, the criteria are based on LLNL tornado
hazard assessment methodology presented in Reference 3-14. Again, as with Performance
same reasons given for Performance Category 3, a lower value is recommended. The basic
importance factor of 1.0 is recommended. Once the basic tornado wind speed is determined for
the specified annual exceedance probability and given in fastest-quarter mile, the procedure is as
described for Performance Category 3, except as noted below.
Three tornado missiles are specified for Performance Category 4: a timber plank, a steel
pipe and an automobile. The 2x4 timber plank weighs 15 lbs and is assumed to travel in a
horizontal direction at speeds up to 150 mph. The horizontal component of the timber missile is
effective to a maximum height of 200 ft above ground level. If carried to a great height by the
tornado winds, it could achieve a terminal vertical speed of 100 mph as it falls to the ground.
The second missile is a 3-in. diameter standard steel pipe, which weighs 75 lbs. It can achieve a
horizontal impact speed of 75 mph and a vertical speed of 50 mph. The horizontal speed could
be effective up to a height of 100 ft above ground level. The horizontal and vertical speeds of
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