| DOE-STD-1020-2002
the plank and pipe are uncoupled and should not be combined. The third missile is a 3000-lb
automobile that is assumed to roll and tumble along the ground at speeds up to 25 mph. Table
3-5 lists wall barrier configurations that have been tested and successfully resisted the timber
and pipe missile. Impact of the automobile can cause excessive structural response to SSCs.
Impact analyses should be performed to determine specific effects. In structures, collapse of
columns, walls or frames may lead to further progressive collapse. Procedures for structural
response calculations for automobile impacts is given in References 3-9, 3-10 and 3-11.
Although wind pressure, APC, and missile impact loads can occur simultaneously, the missile
impact loads can be treated independently for design and evaluation purposes. These are
minimum missile design criteria and should be reviewed for upgrading with the concurrent use
of new tornado hazard assessment methodology (Reference 3-14).
Table 3-5 Recommended Tornado Missile Barriers
for Performance Category 4
Missile Criteria
Recommended Missile Barrier
Horizontal Component:
2x4 timber plank
6 in. concrete slab with #4 rebar @ 6 in. on center each way in middle of
15 lb @ 150 mph
max. height 200 ft.
8-in. CMU wall with one #4 rebar grouted in each vertical cell and horizontal
above ground
trussed joint reinforced @ 16 in. on center
Vertical Component:
2x4 timber plank
4 in. concrete slab with #3 rebar @ 6 in. on center each way in middle of
15 lb @ 100 mph
Horizontal Component:
10-in. concrete slab with #4 rebar @ 12 in. on center each way placed 1.5
3-in. diameter
in. from each face
steel pipe 75 lb
@ 75 mph
max. height 100 ft.
above ground
Vertical Component:
3-in. diameter steel pipe 75 lb
8-in. concrete slab with #4 rebar @ 8 in. on center each way placed 1.5
@ 50 mph
in. from inside face
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