| ![]() DOE-STD-1128-98
Guide of Good Practices for Occupational Radiological Protection in Plutonium Facilities
(1994) has proposed a mechanism for plutonium pyrophoricity that predicts the
ignition temperature as a function of surface mass ratio and particle size.
The most numerous forms of pyrophoric plutonium are chips, lathe turnings, and
casting crucible skulls. Plutonium hydride and sesquioxide (Pu2O3) are probably
the most commonly occurring pyrophoric compounds. Plutonium carbide,
oxycarbide, nitride, and oxide phases with compositions between the sesquioxide
and dioxide are potentially pyrophoric. Known pyrophoric alloys include Pu-U
and Pu-Ce, Waber (1967) summarized much of the early work on plutonium
corrosion and oxidation and is a good source for identifying other pryophoric
The health physics aspects of an accidental plutonium fire can be serious. A fire
can burn through containment structures, resulting in the dispersal of PuO2 over a
wide area, with the potential for inhalation exposure during the fire or during
subsequent decontamination efforts. The conditions under which a plutonium
fire can occur in a dry glovebox have been studied. With only 5% oxygen in
nitrogen, the metal will burn easily. At the 1% level, however, a fire will not
continue to burn unless heat is supplied (Rhude, 1962). Turnings must be
generated in a dry atmosphere and should be converted to the oxide as soon as
convenient, preferably on the same day they are made. Some solvents and
organic compounds form flammable mixtures with plutonium. In one incident,
tetrachloroethane was inadvertently substituted for another lathe coolant in a
metal-turning operation. Chips of plutonium aluminum alloys were ignited,
resulting in the blowout of a glove-box panel. In a separate event, burning
plutonium chips dropped into carbon tetrachloride resulted in an explosion (AEC,
1965). Aerolization of Plutonium
The ignition of plutonium metal becomes a major hazard when enough
plutonium has burned to produce a significant amount of dispersable material and
a serious enough fire to damage the pertinent containment structures. The
particle size of PuO1.9 fired at a low temperature varies from 3% at <1 m to 97%
at 1-5 m (Stakebake and Dringman, 1967). Sintered PuO2.0 has a particle size
<2 m. Haschke (1992) made an effort to define the maximum value of the
source term for plutonium aerosolization during a fuel fire. He found the rate to
be constant (0.2-g PuO2/cm2 of metal surface per minute) above 500C. The
mass distribution for products of all metal gas distributions are approximately
0.07 mass% of the oxide particles having geometric diameters #10 m.
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