| ![]() DOE-STD-1128-98
Guide of Good Practices for Occupational Radiological Protection in Plutonium Facilities
CAMS (see Section 3.5.1), should meet the following criteria according to ANSI
N317 (ANSI, 1980a). The primary purpose of any CAM is to detect the presence of
airborne radioactivity and activate an alarm to warn personnel in the area so that
actions can be taken to minimize personnel exposures. The goal for any CAM
should be to perform this function as quickly as possible and at the lowest
detectable level of radioactive airborne concentration. The quantity of airborne
radioactivity that will result in an alarm within a given time interval is defined in
units of DAC-h for a particular radionuclide and is a function of the nuclide's
airborne concentration in DACs, the sampling rate, the lower limit of detection of
the instrument, and the time needed for the alarm to occur. Mishima et al. (1988)
provides guidance on each of these functions.
The minimum detection level of 239Pu, in terms of derived air concentration (DAC),
should be 8 DAC-h at the point of sampling in the presence of nominal amounts of
naturally occurring alpha-emitters such as radon and thoron and their decay
products. (No guidance is provided on what a "nominal" amount is, however.) The
operating range should be at least 100 minimum detection levels (i.e., up to 800
DAC-h for 239Pu). Instrument error should not exceed 20% of the reading over
the upper 80% of the operating range. The reproducibility of the system for any
given measurement should be within 10% at the 95% confidence level for a
mid-scale or mid-decade reading. The instrument should be capable of operating
with less than a 5% change in calibration over the ambient temperature range
expected. The instrument should be equipped with an adjustable alarm set point
(audible and visible alarms) that can be set at any point over the stated range. The
air flow rate should be indicated and adjustable. Voltage and frequency variations
of 15% within design values should result in reading variations of no greater than
5% at the minimum detection level.
ANSI N42.17B (ANSI, 1987b) provides additional performance criteria for air
monitors used to detect plutonium. This standard provides specifications for
general criteria (sampler design, units of readout, alarm threshold, etc.), electronic
criteria (alarms, stability, response time, coefficient of variation, and line noise
susceptibility), radiation response, interfering responses (radiofrequency,
microwave, electrostatic, and magnetic fields), environmental criteria (temperature,
humidity, and pressure), and air-circuit criteria. More detailed specifications are
provided in ANSI N42.17B than in ANSI N317 (ANSI, 1980a); however, the
environmental criteria and the limits of variation are not as restrictive as those in
ANSI N317. With respect to accuracy, ANSI N317 requires less than 20%, and
ANSI N42.17B requires 40% at the 95% confidence level. For the environmental
criteria, ANSI N317 requires that the readings change less than 5% under ambient
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