| ![]() DOE-STD-1128-98
Guide of Good Practices for Occupational Radiological Protection in Plutonium Facilities
conditions, while ANSI N42.17B gives a 15% limit of variation. As discussed
previously, criteria from ANSI N42.17B are more applicable because they are
supported by instrument testing.
ANSI N13.1 (ANSI, 1969a) provides detailed guidance on sampling methods. One
criterion that relates to CAMs is that air sample lines between air inlet and filter
media are to be eliminated where possible; where not possible, they are to be
designed to meet the sampling criteria contained in the standard (e.g., short lines,
proper sampling rate, smooth bends). The use of Tygon tubing as sample lines
before the collection filter should be minimized or eliminated. Air in-leakage from
surrounding areas can be a problem when using sampling lines. Testing for air
in-leakage shall be performed at least annually or when seals or "O" rings are
and/or shoe counters and instruments (or probes) with sufficient flexibility to
survey pieces of equipment, including exterior clothing. ANSI N317 (ANSI,
1980a) states that these instruments shall have an audible alarm, a frequency that is
proportional to the count rate, or a preselectable trip setting, and that upon reaching
that level shall activate an audible or visible alarm or both. These instruments
should be calibrated according to the requirements in ANSI N323 (ANSI, 1997b)
and be equipped with a traceable check source. Fixed instruments should be
powered by alternating current (AC) and provided with an emergency power
of plutonium are stored and/or handled. ANSI N317 (ANSI, 1980a) states that
these monitors shall have a preselectable trip setting with audible annunciators,
shall provide electronic signals for remote alarms if they are used as alarming
devices, and shall be equipped with a visual meter or digital readout. All neutron
and photon area monitors should be AC-powered and all critical monitors should
be provided with an emergency power source. Many of the requirements that
apply to portable survey instruments, as stated in ANSI N317 may also apply to
this type of instrumentation. Calibrations should be performed according to the
requirements in ANSI N323 (ANSI, 1997b). Performance Criteria for Emergency Instrumentation
Meeting the criteria for criticality accident alarm systems, fixed nuclear accident
dosimeters, and other emergency instrumentation is essential.
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