| ![]() DOE-STD-1128-98
Guide of Good Practices for Occupational Radiological Protection in Plutonium Facilities
3.8.5 Attributes of Effective Review and Audit
Evaluation of the effectiveness of an ALARA program requires both reviews and auditing.
The reviews will include detailed examination of the written ALARA program plan and the
records of ALARA activities. The objectives in such reviews are to find if the written plan
is being followed, and what is working or not working well. Such reviews can be performed
adequately by either a knowledgeable member of the facility staff or an equally
knowledgeable outsider. The written report of a review should be directed to a member of
management who is responsible for implementation of the ALARA program.
Audits are best performed by an outside health physicist who is sufficiently knowledgeable
about work with plutonium and its radiological characteristics that he/she knows where to
look for problems and can make appropriate evaluations and recommendations. He should
not only examine the ALARA program plan and records, but should also visit the working
areas and laboratories in the facility, with a knowledgeable escort who can answer questions
about activities and conditions in the facility.
There is nothing really unique in ALARA programs at plutonium facilities, compared with
facilities handling other kinds of radioactive materials. However, the radioactivity of
plutonium, its potential for criticality, and its relatively high radiotoxicity require somewhat
more meticulous surveillance and control than many other radionuclides. Therefore, the
detail in ALARA programs for plutonium facilities is likely to be somewhat greater than
would be found in ALARA programs for many other facilities.
In any plutonium facility, it is highly desirable to have well-structured ALARA teams in
each building or subunit of the facility. Facility goals are to be developed by the facility
ALARA teams. Each facility ALARA team chairperson meets with the facility team, and
together they develop the calendar-year ALARA goals for their facility. The team
chairperson prepares the draft goal report for review by the facility ALARA team and the
ALARA Program Office (APO) of the facility. After the draft goals are reviewed, they are
returned to the facility team chairperson. The final goal report is then submitted to the
facility manager for signature. The signed copy is submitted to the APO to be included in
the annual ALARA goal report to DOE. All facility-specific goals should be categorized
and reported using the facility-specified format and should include the following:
-- Exposure Reduction. Goals listed under exposure reduction may reflect occupational
or nonoccupational exposure reduction. Exposure to radiological hazards or
nonradiological hazards are relevant. Specific jobs for which exposure reduction plans
have been developed should be covered in this section. Exposure may be reduced by
reducing other hazards that contribute to the difficulty of performing work in
radiological areas. For example, reducing noise, reducing heat stress conditions, or
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