| ![]() DOE-STD-1128-98
Guide of Good Practices for Occupational Radiological Protection in Plutonium Facilities
improving lighting may facilitate the completion and accuracy of work performed in
radiological areas and, thus, reduce exposure. Such opportunities for exposure reduction
should be carefully evaluated and appropriate ALARA goals established to make the
most of these opportunities.
-- Source Reduction. Source reduction should concentration on minimizing or
eliminating the sources of radiation exposure. Reducing the number of areas with
radiological contamination and reducing dose rate are examples of source-reduction
goals. Where the presence of nonradiological hazardous materials results in mixed
waste, the removal of the hazardous material may have ALARA benefits by reducing the
waste classification. Such changes may also reduce exposure at a later time by
eliminating the need to store or further treat the waste. In these cases, eliminating the
hazardous material may be an appropriate source-reduction ALARA goal.
-- Administrative. Administrative goals typically encompass training, program
improvements, procedure revision, or other administrative-type activities.
Administrative goals are generally qualitative, so it is difficult to develop endpoints for
them. Specific efforts must be made to ensure that adequate closure mechanisms exist
for administrative goals.
During all phases of ALARA goal-setting, the facility health physics personnel should be
intimately involved in providing advice and expertise on ALARA actions.
When addressing exposure reduction, a cost/benefit analysis should be made to determine
the real cost of implementing a dose reduction plan. The Health Physics Manual of Good
Practices for Reducing Exposures to Levels that are as Low as Reasonably Achievable
(Munson et al., 1988), provides an excellent methodology for conducting a cost/benefit
analysis by health physics personnel.
The application of ALARA principles to the performance of work in the field is the main
objective of any ALARA program. ALARA design, engineering, planning, and
administration come to fruition in maintaining exposures ALARA to workers and the public.
The operational application of ALARA requires cooperation and coordination of many
functional groups, including radiation protection, operations, maintenance, planning and
scheduling, training, engineering, and administration.
The primary responsibility for controlling radiation exposure during operations rests with
the individual and his/her immediate supervisor. The support functions provide the training,
resources, guidance, and measurements, but it is in the application that the effectiveness of
an ALARA program is realized. Operational measures for controlling exposure must be
applied to assure that any work with radioactive materials is carried out in the safest manner
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