| ![]() DOE-STD-1128-98
Guide of Good Practices for Occupational Radiological Protection in Plutonium Facilities
radioactive material area: Any area within a controlled area, accessible to individuals, in which items or
containers of radioactive material exist and the total activity of radioactive material exceeds the applicable
values provided in appendix E of 10 CFR 835. (10 CFR 835)
radiological area: Any area within a controlled area which must be posted as a "radiation area," "high
radiation area," "very high radiation area," "contamination area," "high contamination area," or "airborne
radioactivity area" in accordance with 10 CFR 835.603. (10 CFR 835)
radiological worker: A general employee whose job assignment involves operation of radiation-
producing devices or working with radioactive materials, or who is likely to be routinely occupationally
exposed above 0.1 rem (0.001 sievert) per year total effective dose equivalent. (10 CFR 835)
radiological work permit (RWP): The permit that identifies radiological conditions, establishes worker
protection and monitoring requirements, and contains specific approvals for radiological work activities.
The Radiological Work Permit serves as an administrative process for planning and controlling
radiological work and informing the worker of the radiological conditions. (RCS)
radiological protection organization: A contractor organization responsible for radiation protection
activities within contractor facilities. This organization is independent of the line organizational element
responsible for production, operation, or research activities and should report to the contractor senior site
executive. (Sealed Source IG)
real-time air monitoring: Collection and real-time analysis of the workplace atmosphere using
continuous air monitors (CAMs).
refresher training: The training scheduled on the alternate year when full retraining is not completed for
Radiological Worker I and Radiological Worker II personnel. (RCS)
means, such as casual contact, wiping, brushing or washing. (RCS)
representative air sampling: The sampling of airborne radioactive material in a manner such that the
sample collected closely approximates both the amount of activity and the physical and chemical
properties (e.g., particle size and solubility) of the aerosol to which the workers may be exposed.
residual radioactive material: Any radioactive material which is in or on soil, air, water, equipment, or
structures as a consequence of past operations or activities. (Draft 10 CFR 834)
sanitary waste: Sanitary waste is waste that is neither hazardous nor radioactive. (DOE/S-0101)
source-specific air sampling: Collection of an air sample near an actual or likely release point in a work
area using fixed-location samplers or portable air samplers.
survey: An evaluation of the radiological conditions and potential hazards incident to the production,
use, transfer, release, disposal, or presence of radioactive material or other sources of radiation. When
appropriate, such an evaluation includes a physical survey of the location of radioactive material and
measurements or calculations of levels of radiation, or concentrations or quantities of radioactive material
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