| DOE-STD-1063-2000
guidance for use in developing these assessment plans. Facility
assessments are not intended to conflict with or duplicate other Field
Office assessment efforts nor are they intended to unduly restrict the
Facility Representative's day-to-day oversight of assigned facilities.
Operational Reports. The Facility Representative is the primary point of
contact for the contractor to notify DOE of reportable occurrences as
prescribed in DOE O 232.1A. For the Secretarial Officers and field
elements to realize the maximum benefit from the Facility Representative
program, Field Element Managers should establish reporting requirements,
such as Facility Representative logs or assessment reports, for each
Facility Representative position. Field Element Managers should establish
guidance on the content of periodic or special reports. Field Element
Managers should ensure that reporting does not become an onerous task
that unduly limits the oversight activities of the Facility Representative. In
order to facilitate a direct communications link with senior contractor
management, the Facility Representative and DOE managers should meet
with senior contractor managers on a periodic basis to report the results
of Facility Representative assessments and to discuss trends and systemic
Relationship of Facility Representative with other DOE Managers. The
Field Element Manager shall define clearly and in writing the Facility
Representatives' relationship with DOE managers within the field element.
Field Element Managers should document roles and responsibilities in the
field element Functions, Responsibilities, and Authorities controlling
document. Field Element Managers should clearly assign Facility
Representatives to each facility's operation and identify the responsible
line/program manager within the field element. Facility Representatives
should periodically meet with line/program managers within the field
element and senior line managers within the field element to provide
information related to the assigned facilities. If safety or operational
concerns are not resolved to the satisfaction of the Facility Representative,
the Facility Representative should elevate the concerns through the
defined DOE management hierarchy until an adequate resolution is
obtained. It is highly desirable that each Facility Representative only be
assigned facilities under a single line/program manager within the field
element and under a single Cognizant Secretarial Officer. This might not
be practical at multi-program facilities, or when more than one facility is
Relationship of Facility Representative with Operating Contractor. The
Field Element Manager shall clearly define the relationship between the
Facility Representative and the facility operating contractor, and ensure
that these expectations are understood by both parties. Field Element
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