| ![]() DOE-STD-1063-2000
4.5.3 Job Performance. Facility Representatives shall sustain satisfactory job
performance to retain qualification.
4.5.4 Training of Field Element Management. Field Element Managers
should take steps to ensure that all field element line management
personnel understand the functions, responsibilities, and authorities of
Facility Representatives. At a minimum, Field Element Managers
should disseminate to field element line management personnel the
written lines of supervision, management, and authority, established
consistent with sections 4.4 and 5.6.
Facility Representative Program Performance Assessment and Feedback.
Field Element Managers shall periodically evaluate and adjust their Facility
Representative program as necessary to ensure a high and continuously
improving level of performance. Program Secretarial Officers should
ensure that performance assessments are accomplished, and any
indicated corrective actions are completed. The DOE Headquarters
Facility Representative Program Manager, Office of the Departmental
Representative to the Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board (DOE S-3.1),
should monitor the performance of Field Element Managers and
Secretarial Officers using the following methods:
4.6.1 Performance Indicators. Carefully chosen performance indicators (PI)
can provide valuable measures of the effectiveness of Facility
Representative Programs. DOE-wide Performance Indicators,
addressing compliance to program requirements, improvements to
safety, and performance effectiveness, are shown in Appendix A. Field
elements may provide additional site-specific performance indicators.
Field elements shall submit quarterly PI data to Program Offices at
DOE-HQ, with a copy to the Facility Representative Program Manager,
Office of the Departmental Representative to the Defense Nuclear
Facilities Safety Board (DOE S-3.1). PIs for the preceding quarter are
due to HQ on the first working day of February, May, August, and
November. The Facility Representative Program Manager, Office of
the Departmental Representative to the Defense Nuclear Facilities
Safety Board (DOE S-3.1), should use these PIs to evaluate DOE-wide
program effectiveness. The Facility Representative Program Manager,
Office of the Departmental Representative to the Defense Nuclear
Facilities Safety Board (DOE S-3.1), shall compile a Department-wide
PI report for dissemination to applicable field elements and program
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