| DOE-STD-1138-2000
h. Discuss the difficulties of optimizing PPE in a complex, multiexposure environment.
Discuss the use and limitations of PPE in a heat stress environment.
Industrial hygiene personnel shall demonstrate a working level knowledge of the
design of engineering measures to control exposure.
Supporting Knowledge and/or Skills
a. Discuss basic design principles for heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC)
systems, including the following:
Local exhaust ventilation
Dilution ventilation
Air recirculation
Make-up air supply
b. Describe the design principles and performance of air cleaners and explain the
roles they play in minimizing worker exposure to chemicals and biological hazards.
c. Discuss the interpretation and applicability of regulations and standards governing
ventilation systems.
d. Describe the following environmental factors:
Atmospheric dispersion modeling
Control of hypo- and hyper-baric conditions
e. Discuss the principles of isolation and enclosure as they relate to the following:
Air contaminants
Discuss the economic feasibility parameters of the following:
Engineering controls, including process change and substitution
Administrative controls
Personnel protective equipment
g. Discuss how engineering controls may be implemented for each of the following:
Non-ionizing radiation
Ionizing radiation
Repetitive motions
Lifting heavy objects
Biological hazards
Heat and humidity
Cold stress
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