| DOE-STD-1138-2000
h. Describe the control features (e.g., backflow prevention) of potable water supply
Discuss the importance of engineering controls as they relate to sanitation of food
service facilities and equipment.
Industrial hygiene personnel shall demonstrate a working level knowledge of the
design of administrative measures to control exposure or protect employees.
Supporting Knowledge and/or Skills
a. Describe how the following administrative measures may contribute to exposure
Procedural modifications (work practices)
Operations and scheduling
Standard operating procedures
Reduction of exposure time
Work/rest regimen for heat stress control
Personal hygiene practices
Promoting and implementing good housekeeping practices
b. Discuss how the following may be needed to implement effective exposure control:
Medical surveillance of exposed employees
Medical removal protection for sensitive workers
Genetic screening
Preplacement exams and periodic medical screening
Industrial hygiene personnel shall demonstrate a working level knowledge of the
methods used to communicate control action recommendations.
Supporting Knowledge and/or Skills
a. Describe how to prepare a technical report.
b. Discuss major record keeping requirements.
c. Discuss how to describe and recommend preferred control measures (including the
desired hierarchy of controls), alternatives, and/or interim control measures.
d. Discuss development of a schedule for the implementation of control measures.
e. Discuss how the safety aspects of a required task, and the imposition of controls
and their related costs necessary for safety during the task, may affect
management's prioritization of work or the completion of work that is affected by
that task.
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