| ![]() DOE-STD-3015-2004
6. NESSG personnel minority opinion(s), if any, and associated majority
k. References, including publication date and revision number
l. Appendices:
1. NESS agenda
2. Participants
3. Approval correspondence (in final report after HQ approval)
NESSG personnel are responsible for the content of the NESS report.
NESSG personnel will sign the report. Signature of the NESS report represents
concurrence with the conclusions and findings, unless noted in minority opinions.
Signing the NESS report does not imply that the signer's organization agrees with the
report contents.
If the report is substantively changed after it is signed, the chair must formally
coordinate the changes with NESSG personnel.
The chair submits a coordination copy of the NESS report to NA-12 for approval,
with a transmittal letter summarizing the NESS results. Copies of the report and
transmittal letter are provided to the responsible NNSA Site Office manager or NA-
15, as applicable, and to NA-121. NESSG personnel may be asked to provide
briefings to line managers as part of the NESS approval process.
The responsible Site Office manager or NA-15, as applicable, must inform NA-12 of
the resolution plan for NESS "pre-start" and "post-start" findings and response to any
minority opinions. Additional information regarding the evaluation may be added at
the discretion of the Site Office manager or NA-15, as applicable.
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