| ![]() DOE-STD-3015-2004
NESSG findings impact ongoing operations, the Site Office or NA-15 should provide
direction to operations personnel deemed appropriate based on the information in the
findings. The range of options include suspending the affected operations, implementing
corrective or compensatory measures, and allowing operations to continue unchanged
pending further evaluation or NA-12 decision.
Responsible Site Offices and NA-15 must define a process for closure of approved
NESSG findings that:
Ensures closure of approved NESSG findings categorized as "pre-start" prior to
initiation or continuation of NEOs;
Establishes plans, resources, responsibilities, and timing for closure of approved
NESSG findings categorized as "post-start"; and
Provides for tracking approved NESSG findings to closure.
NA-122 must generate quarterly status reports on the corrective actions planned and
taken for approved NESSG findings. Distribution is to include NA-12, NA-121, the
responsible Site Offices, NA-15, NNSA-SC/NESD, design agencies, and M&O
The current status of all open NESSG findings must be addressed in subsequent NESSs,
OSRs, and, if relevant, NCEs.
All NESSs are valid for 5 years unless the requirements for a non-expiring NESS are met.
The requirements for a non-expiring NESS require the contractor responsible for a NEO
at a DOE/NNSA nuclear facility to meet the DSA requirements established in
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