| ![]() DOE-STD-3015-2004
An OSR must be conducted at least once every 60 months, for authorized NEOs with a
non-expiring NESS. If an OSR will not be conducted within the prescribed time interval,
the responsible Site Office manager or NA-15, as applicable, must notify NA-12 at least
90 days prior to the end of the required interval and submit a remediation plan to NA-12
prior to the end of the required interval. A copy of the remediation plan will be provided
NA-12 is the approval authority for remediation plans and must document the
remediation plan approval (or reason for disapproval) in correspondence to the
responsible Site Office manager or NA-15, as applicable, and the NNSA-SC/NESD.
The requester of an administrative extension to a NESS expiration date submits the
request to NA-12 for approval. A copy of the request will be provided to NNSA-
SC/NESD. The request must include:
A compelling reason for the extension;
The basis for the statement on continued safety, including how 10CFR830
requirements are met; and
Identification of open NESSG findings categorized as "post-start".
NA-12 is the approval authority for administrative extension of NESS expiration dates
and must document the approval (or reason for disapproval) in correspondence to the
requester and the NNSA-SC/NESD.
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