| DOE-STD-3015-2004
Material handling
30. NESSG chairs and other members must have knowledge of the requirements for
protection, security, and control of nuclear explosives and nuclear weapons as
described in DOE O 452.4, Security and Control of Nuclear Explosives and Nuclear
Supporting Knowledge and/or Skills
a. Discuss the objectives of DOE O 452.4, Security and Control of Nuclear Explosives and
Nuclear Weapons.
b. Discuss the relationship between NES and deliberate unauthorized use measures.
31. NESSG chairs and other members must have knowledge of the human reliability
program (HRP) described in 10 CFR 712, Human Reliability Program.
Supporting Knowledge and/or Skills
a. Discuss the following terms as they relate to HRP:
Nuclear explosive duty
HRP certification
Temporary removal
b. Discuss the relationship between HRP certification and other job qualification
c. Identify the prerequisites for HRP certification and describe the HRP certification
d. Discuss the responsibilities of HRP-certified personnel and their supervisors.
32. NESSG chairs and other members must demonstrate a familiarity with 10 CFR 830
Part 120, Quality Assurance.
Supporting Knowledge and/or Skills
a. Describe each of the ten quality assurance criteria and their relationship to NES and
NES evaluation activities.
b. Discuss the relationship between quality assurance and NES management.
33. NESSG chairs and other members must have knowledge of the DSA requirements of
10 CFR 830, Nuclear Safety Management.
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