| ![]() DOE-STD-3015-2004
Supporting Knowledge and/or Skills
a. Discuss the basic purposes and objectives of a DSA.
b. Describe the responsibilities of contractors authorized to operate defense nuclear
facilities for the development and maintenance of a DSA.
c. Describe the different requirements for the scope and content of each type of DSA.
d. Discuss the requirements for the contractor to maintain current DSAs.
e. Discuss the application of the graded approach relative to the DSA development.
34. NESSG chairs and other members must have knowledge of the unreviewed safety
question (USQ) process with respect to its impact on NEOs and associated activities
and facilities.
Supporting Knowledge and/or Skills
a. Discuss the purpose of the USQ process.
b. Discuss the reasons for performing an unreviewed safety question determination
c. Define the following terms:
Discrepant as found condition
Potential inadequacy in the safety analysis
Proposed change
d. Define the conditions for an USQ.
e. Describe the actions to be taken by a contractor upon identifying information that
indicates a potential inadequacy of safety analyses or, a possible reduction in the margin
of safety as defined in the TSRs.
f. Discuss the procedures for performing an USQ evaluation and its relationship to NES
and the NCE process.
35. NESSG chairs and other members must have knowledge of TSRs as described in 10
CFR 830.205, Technical Safety Requirements.
Supporting Knowledge and/or Skills
a. Discuss the purpose of TSRs.
b. Define the following terms and discuss the purpose of each:
Safety limit
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