| ![]() DOE-STD-3015-2004
Operating limits
Limiting control settings
Limiting conditions for operation
Surveillance requirements
Administrative controls
c. Describe the general content of each of the following sections of the TSRs:
Use and application
Design features
d. Discuss the definition and implementation principles for the term "operability", as used
in a TSR.
e. Discuss the relationship of functional requirements and performance criteria to the
f. Discuss the conditions that constitute a violation of the TSRs and state the reporting
requirements should a violation occur.
g. Discuss the requirements for administrative control of the TSRs.
h. Discuss the possible source documents that may be used in developing TSRs. Discuss
the role of DSAs in selecting TSRs and the respective flow down.
i. Discuss the requirements for emergency actions that depart from the approved TSRs.
j. Discuss the application of the graded approach relative to TSRs.
36. NESSG chairs and other members must demonstrate a familiarity with the impact of
software quality assurance on NES.
Supporting Knowledge and/or Skills
Describe the potential impact on NES caused by poor software quality assurance in the
following situations:
Software that controls weapon movement at Pantex
Software that controls testers
Software used to write, control, record or display NEOPs and processes during operations
Software used to analyze hazards
Software used to monitor HRP and personnel access
37. NESSG chairs and other members must have knowledge of safety analysis techniques
and their application to NEOs, facilities, and associated activities.
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