| DOE-HDBK-1106-97
IRON-59 (Fe-59)
Iron-59 is a beta and gamma emitter that can create an external, an internal, and skin and eye
hazard. Iron- 59 is detected with a thin-window end window G-M probe, solid scintillator, or
liquid scintillation counter.
1. Maximum beta energies:
0.466 MeV, average energy is 0.155 MeV.
0.273 MeV, average energy is 0.091 MeV.
0.131 MeV, average energy is 0.044 MeV.
2. Gamma energies:
1.292 MeV.
1.099 MeV.
0.192 MeV.
0.143 MeV.
3. Maximum range in air of beta: 45 inches (115 cm).
4. Unshielded dose rate from 1 mCi point source at 1/2 inch (1 cm): 6.18 rad/hr.
5. IAEA toxicity classification: Medium-high.
6. Physical half-life: 44.6 days.
7. Effective half-life (Teff): 42 days.
8. Critical organ:
Liver and spleen for inhalation.
Lower large intestine for ingestion.
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