| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1139/3-2005
This chapter consolidates existing DOE and other federal safety and health requirements and National
Standards that address the control of the hazards associated with chemicals and chemical products (see
def.). The consolidated requirements addressed here apply to all locations involved in the use of
chemicals and chemical products. State and local code requirements are not included.
Of particular note in this chapter are the hazard identification requirements since successful control of the
hazards of chemicals and chemical products begins with the timely and accurate identification of those
The requirements consolidated in this chapter are divided into six (6) major sections. The first section,
4.1, addresses requirements for the implementation of a hazard prevention/abatement process and an
industrial hygiene program.
Section 4.2 consolidates the requirements for control of hazardous operations (see def.) including written
operating procedures, safety equipment and engineering controls, safe work practices, and fire prevention
and fire protection.
Section 4.3 addresses the requirements for the control of chemicals used in laboratories, including
particularly hazardous substances. The requirements consolidated in this section include those that
address: the preparation of a chemical hygiene plan; fire hazard classification; fire protection plans and
equipment; special protections for explosives; the handling, transfer and transport of flammable, reactive
or toxic chemicals and compressed gases in laboratories; and additional laboratory safety controls.
Section 4.4 consolidates requirements for controlling the hazards associated with operations involving the
use of combustible liquids. Topics include: controlling ignition sources (e.g., smoking, welding, cutting,
and other spark-producing operations); work with various classes of liquids and capacity control; safety
cans; fire protection equipment; alarms; and dispensing and transfer methods.
Section 4.5 addresses requirements for the safe use of compressed gases including labeling, temperature
control, cylinder valves and caps, electrical protection, cylinder placement and protection, pressure
regulators, cylinder transportation, hoses and connections, manifolds, gauges, leaking cylinders and
specific requirements for acetylene, hydrogen, and oxygen.
Finally, section 4.6 references the requirement sources for additional controls for the hazards associated
with thirty-one (31) chemicals such as acrylonitrile, benzene, lead, and vinyl chloride.
The key theme of this chapter is that the timely and proper implementation of the requirements
consolidated here will greatly reduce the probability of a chemical incident and the concomitant risk of
harm to employees, property, the public, or the environment.
This chapter addresses existing DOE and Federal chemical-related safety and health requirements
applicable to user activities as they relate to pollution prevention and waste minimization. It applies to all
locations involved in the use of chemicals and chemical products (see def.). This chapter includes
requirements found in 42 USC, 40CFR, various Executive Orders, DOE Orders and DOE Memoranda.
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