| DOE-HDBK-1139/3-2005
Note that it does not include EPA reporting requirements for regulatory compliance, nor does it include
state and local requirements.
The sections of this chapter consolidates requirements for:
the establishment of a pollution prevention policy;
the elements and drivers for pollution prevention programs;
setting waste minimization goals for hazardous waste, low-level waste, mixed
radioactive waste, transuranic waste, sanitary waste, waste resulting from cleanup
activities and Toxic Release Inventories (TRI Toxics);
the conduct of operational assessments to identify opportunities for pollution prevention
and implementation of resulting findings;
the use of the purchasing activity to implement and support goals of the pollution
prevention program;
completion of an annual toxic chemical release form under the Emergency Planning and
Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA) which must include a source reduction or
recycling report;
the establishment of a program to maximize the use of safe alternatives to ozone-
depleting substances; and
provisions for a recycling program including the designation of a recycling coordinator.
Of key importance in the intent of the requirements consolidated in this chapter is the integration of
pollution prevention into planning, execution and evaluation of all site activities and a major message of
this chapter is that safety and health programs and environmental pollution prevention program
protections are usually mutually beneficial and their requirements frequently mutually inclusive.
Requirements included here provide the context in which the chemical user incorporates pollution
prevention into every phase of work, such as planning, acquisition, operations, waste management and
disposal and the continuous improvement in managing a site's chemical-related activities to achieve the
goals of pollution prevention and waste minimization.
This chapter consolidates existing DOE and federal safety and health requirements and National
Standards that govern the management of emergencies involving chemicals. State and local requirements
are not included. The requirements included here apply to all locations that use chemicals or chemical
products (see def.). If a DOE site/facility engages in activities that involve chemicals, then that
site/facility must comply with the requirements that are referenced and consolidated in this chapter.
The chapter is divided into seven (7) major sections that consolidate requirements for: the development of
emergency response (ER) plans (Section 4.1); ER training (Section 4.2); ER plan implementation
(Section 4.3); additional requirements for emergencies involving significant quantities of hazardous
chemicals (Section 4.4); emergency response equipment (Section 4.5); medical support for chemical
emergencies (Section 4.6); and post-incident actions (Section 4.7).
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