| DOE-HDBK-1139/3-2005
The requirements consolidated in section 4.1 are key to successful emergency response. They address the
basic elements of the written emergency response plan, including a hazards survey; pre-emergency
planning and coordination with other government agencies (local, state, and federal); criteria for
emergency recognition; personnel titles and roles; emergency shutdown procedures and responsibilities;
re-entry plans; security; evacuation plans; etc.
Section 4.2 covers the knowledge, abilities and training required for specific emergency responders and
their roles in an emergency (e.g., First Responders, Incident Commander, Hazardous Materials
Technicians and Specialists, Safety Officer, and other skilled support personnel). This section also
consolidates the requirements for general employee training and drills, emergency response trainers,
refresher training courses, and emergency training exercises.
Section 4.3 consolidates the requirements for implementing the ER plan commensurate with the hazards
present. These requirements include those that address, for example, immediate corrective and mitigating
actions; specific actions that must be taken by the Incident Commander; the use of backup personnel; the
use of self-contained breathing apparatus; notification of the local emergency planning committee (LEPC)
and the specific information that must be included in that notification; when to suspend certain operations
due to immediate danger to life or health (IDLH); and details regarding the release of information that
must be provided to the public.
Section 4.4 covers the additional requirements for situations involving significant quantities of hazardous
chemicals, (i.e., those that exceed the lowest of the threshold quantities listed in the Occupational Safety
and Health Administration (OSHA) standard 29CFR1910.119, or the Environmental Protection Agency
(EPA) Rules found at 40CFR68.130 or 40CFR355. These requirements address, for example,
categorizing and classifying emergencies based on the potential severity of the consequences; additional
details regarding emergency planning notification and increased involvement with the LEPC; calculations
of threshold planning quantities (TPQs) for solids and mixtures; provisions to adequately assess potential
consequences on and offsite; a documented training exercise program with specific objectives and a
critique process; and a written, detailed emergency notification program for employees, the public, and
local, state, and federal agencies.
Section 4.5 consolidates requirements for the availability and use of emergency equipment and facilities
such as a system to rapidly notify and evacuate employees; operable and appropriate personal protective
clothing and equipment (PPE) including totally-encapsulating chemical protective suits, respirators and
other breathing apparatus; and other requirements for the selection and use of emergency response PPE.
Section 4.6 consolidates the requirements for medical support for chemical emergencies. It includes
requirements for medical planning and treatment for mass casualty situations; immediate medical
consultation and surveillance; baseline physical examinations for hazardous materials response team
members and hazardous materials specialists; specifications for the treatment of emergency response
employees; and other detailed requirements for emergency response personnel and other employee
medical programs and records.
Finally, Section 4.7 consolidates post-incident requirements, including decontamination and cleanup;
notifications; final reports; investigations of root cause(s) and corrective actions; and rapid response to
external evaluation and assessment findings.
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