| DOE-HDBK-1188-2006
conditions for performing work (authorization agreement) to less rigorous oversight and post-
performance assessment of the contractor's work. [DNFSB/TECH-16]
AUTHORIZED PERSON. Any person required by work duties to be in a regulated area. [10
CFR 850.3]
AUTHORIZED PERSON. A person approved or assigned by the employer to perform a
specific type of duty or duties or to be at a specific location or locations at the jobsite. [29 CFR
BACKFIT. The imposition of a new or proposed nuclear safety requirement which dictates the
modification of, or addition to: (1) systems, structures and components of a facility; (2) the
existing or approved design of a facility; or (3) the procedures or organization required to
design, construct, or operate a facility. [EH62dd1]
BACKFIT ANALYSIS. A cost/benefit-analysis of proposed backfit. A backfit analysis can
be either for a group of facilities or for a specific facility. Backfit analyses are to be judgmental
and guided by available quantitative information. [EH62dd1]
BACKFIT REVIEW COMMITTEE (BRC). The committee established to review the backfit
analysis for proposed nuclear safety backfits. This committee shall consist of representatives
from each nuclear program office; the Office of Nuclear Safety Policy and Standards; and the
Office of Environment, Safety and Health. [EH62dd1]
BACKGROUND. Radiation from:
(i) Naturally occurring radioactive materials which have not been technologically enhanced;
(ii) Cosmic sources;
(iii) Global fallout as it exists in the environment (such as from the testing of nuclear explosive
(iv) Radon and its progeny in concentrations or levels existing in buildings or the environment
which have not been elevated as a result of current or prior activities; and
Consumer products containing nominal amounts of radioactive material or producing
nominal amounts of radiation. [10 CFR 835.2]
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