| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1188-2006
BARRIER. Anything used to control, prevent, or impede energy flows. Common types of
barriers include equipment, administrative procedures and processes, supervision/management,
warning devices, knowledge and skills, and physical objects. Barriers may be either control or
safety. [DOE G 225.1A-1]
BARRIER ANALYSIS. An analytical technique used to identify energy sources and the failed
or deficient barriers and controls that contributed to an accident. [DOE G 225.1A-1]
BASELINE. A quantitative expression of projected costs, schedule, and technical requirements;
the established plan against which the status of resources and the progress of a project can be
measured. [DOE G 433.1-1]
BASES APPENDIX. An appendix that describes the basis of the limits and other requirements
in technical safety requirements. [10 CFR 830.3]
BERYLLIUM. Elemental beryllium and any insoluble beryllium compound or alloy containing
0.1 percent beryllium or greater that may be released as an airborne particulate. [10 CFR
BERYLLIUM ACTIVITY. An activity taken for, or by, DOE at a DOE facility that can expose
workers to airborne beryllium, including but not limited to design, construction, operation,
maintenance, or decommissioning, and which may involve one DOE facility or operation or a
combination of facilities and operations. [10 CFR 850.3]
BERYLLIUM ARTICLE. A manufactured item that is formed to a specific shape or design
during manufacture, that has end-use functions that depend in whole or in part on its shape or
design during end use, and that does not release beryllium or otherwise result in exposure to
airborne concentrations of beryllium under normal conditions of use. [10 CFR 850.3]
BERYLLIUM-ASSOCIATED WORKER. A current worker who is or was exposed or
potentially exposed to airborne concentrations of beryllium at a DOE facility, including:
A. A beryllium worker;
B. A current worker whose work history shows that the worker may have been exposed to
airborne concentrations of beryllium at a DOE facility;
C. A current worker who exhibits signs or symptoms of beryllium exposure; and
D. A current worker who is receiving medical removal protection benefits.
[10 CFR 850.3]
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