| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1188-2006
include contributions from radiation sources external to the body. Committed dose equivalent is
expressed in units of rem (or sievert). (See Committed Effective Dose Equivalent, Cumulative Total
Effective Dose Equivalent, Deep Dose Equivalent, Dose Equivalent, Effective Dose Equivalent, Lens
of the Eye Dose Equivalent, and Total Effective Dose Equivalent) [10 CFR 835.2]
COMMITTED EFFECTIVE DOSE EQUIVALENT (HE, 50). The sum of the committed dose
equivalents to various tissues in the body (HT, 50), each multiplied by the appropriate weighting factor
(wT )-that is, HE, 50 = ΣwT , HT, 50. Committed effective dose equivalent is expressed in units of rem
(or sievert). (See Committed Dose Equivalent, Cumulative Total Effective Dose Equivalent, Deep
Dose Equivalent, Dose Equivalent, Effective Dose Equivalent, Lens of the Eye Dose Equivalent, and
Total Effective Dose Equivalent) [10 CFR 835.2]
CONCEPTUAL DESIGN. The activities required to evaluate project design alternatives and to
develop sufficient detail to baseline the scope, cost and schedule for project authorization. [DOE G
CONCLUSIONS. Significant deductions derived from analytical results. Conclusions are derived
from and must be supported by the facts, plus the results of testing and analyses conducted.
Conclusions are statements that answer two questions the accident investigation addresses: what
happened and why did it happen? Conclusions include concise recapitulations of the causal factors
(direct, contributing, and root causes) of the accident determined by the analysis of facts. [DOE G
CONDITION. Any as-found state, whether or not resulting from an event, that may have adverse
safety, health, quality assurance, security, operational or environmental implications. A condition is
more programmatic in nature; for example, an error in analysis or calculation, an anomaly associated
with design or performance, or an item indicating a weakness in the management process are all
conditions. [DOE M 232.1-1A]
CONDITION ASSESSMENT SURVEY. A periodic inspection of capital assets using universally
accepted methods and standards. [DOE O 4330.4B] [EH62dd1]
CONFINEMENT AREA. An area having structures or systems from which releases of hazardous
materials are controlled. The primary confinement systems are the process enclosures (glove boxes,
conveyors, transfer boxes, other spaces normally containing hazardous materials), which are
surrounded by one or more secondary confinement areas (operating area compartments). [DOE O
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