| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1188-2006
Primary confinement . Provides confinement of hazardous material to the vicinity of its
processing. This confinement is typically provided by piping, tanks, glove boxes,
encapsulating material, and the like, along with any offgas systems that control effluent
from within the primary confinement.
Secondary confinement . Consists of a cell or enclosure surrounding the process material
or equipment along with any associated ventilation exhaust systems from the enclosed
area. Except in the case of areas housing glove-box operations, the area inside this
barrier is usually unoccupied (e.g., canyons, hot cells); it provides protection for operating
ventilation exhaust systems of the facility. It provides a final barrier against the release of
hazardous material to the environment. [Reference Unknown]
CONFINEMENT SYSTEM. The barrier and its associated systems (including ventilation)
between areas containing hazardous materials and the environment or other areas in the nuclear
facility that are normally expected to have levels of hazardous materials lower than allowable
concentration limits. [DOE O 5480.30] [EH62dd1]
CONFIRMED POSITIVE TEST. For drugs, a finding based on a positive initial or screening
test result, confirmed by another positive test on the same sample. The confirmatory test must
be by the gas chromatography/mass spectrometry method. [10 CFR 707.4]
CONSENT AGREEMENT. Any written document, signed by the Director and a person,
containing stipulations or conclusions of fact or law and a remedy acceptable to both the
Director and the person. [10 CFR 820.2]
CONSIGNEE. The person designated in the shipping papers to receive the shipment. [DOE G
CONSIGNOR. The person executing the shipping papers and named as such in the shipping
papers. The consignor is in every case a shipper. [DOE G 460.2-1]
CONTAINMENT SYSTEM. A structurally closed barrier and its associated systems
(including ventilation) between areas containing hazardous materials and the environment or
other areas in the nuclear facility that are normally expected to have levels of hazardous
materials lower than allowable concentration limits. A containment barrier is designed to remain
closed and intact during all design basis accidents. [DOE O 5480.30] [EH62dd1]
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