| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1188-2006
CONTAMINATED FACILITIES. DOE facilities that have structural components and/or
systems contaminated with hazardous chemical and/or radioactive substances, including
radionuclides. This definition excludes facilities that contain no residual hazardous substances
other than those present in building materials and components, such as asbestos-contained
material, lead-based paint, or equipment containing PCBs. This definition excludes facilities in
which bulk or containerized hazardous substances, including radionuclides, have been used or
managed if no contaminants remain in or on the structural components and/or systems. [DOE O
430.1B] [DOE G 433.1-1]
CONTAMINATION AREA. Any area, accessible to individuals, where removable surface
contamination levels exceed or are likely to exceed the removable surface contamination values
specified in appendix D of 10 CFR 835; but do not exceed 100 times those values. [10 CFR
CONTINUOUS AIR MONITOR (CAM). An instrument that continuously samples and
measures the levels of airborne radioactive materials on a "real-time" basis and has alarm
capabilities at preset levels. [Reference Unknown] (See Monitoring, Performance Monitoring,
Personal Monitoring, Personnel Monitoring, Post-Accident Monitoring, Primary Environmental
Monitors, Safety Class Monitoring Equipment, and Secondary Environmental Monitors)
CONTRACTING OFFICER. A person with authority to enter into, administer, and terminate
contracts and make related determinations and findings; includes certain authorized
representatives of the contracting officer acting within the limits of authority as delegated by the
contracting officer. [DOE O 541.1B]
CONTRACTOR. A seller of goods or services who is a party to:
A management and operating contract or other type of contract with DOE to perform
work directly related to activities at DOE-owned or -leased facilities, or
A subcontract under a contract of the type described in paragraph (A) of this definition,
but only with respect to work related to activities at DOE-owned or -leased facilities.
[10 CFR 708.2]
CONTRACTOR. Any entity under contract with the Department of Energy with the
responsibility to perform activities at a DOE site or facility. [10 CFR 835.2]
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