| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1188-2006
the accident potential is greater than for Class III, but the exposure of personnel performing
contact operations is acceptable. Class II includes activities where the energies that do or may
interface with the explosives are normally well within the safety boundaries for the explosives
involved, but where the loss of control or these energies might approach the safety limits of the
explosives. Examples of Class II activities are weighing, some wet machining, assembly and
disassembly, some environmental testing, and some packaging operations. [DOE M 440.1-1]
EXPLOSIVES HAZARD, CLASS III. Class III consists of those explosives activities that
represent a low accident potential. Class III includes explosives activities during storage and
operations incidental to storage or removal from storage. [DOE M 440.1-1]
EXPLOSIVES HAZARD, CLASS IV. Class IV consists of those explosives activities with
insensitive high explosives (IHE) or IHE subassemblies. Although mass detonating, this
explosive type is so insensitive that a negligible probability exists for accidental initiation or
transition from burning to detonation. IHE explosions will be limited to pressure ruptures of
containers heated in a fire. Most processing and storage activities with IHE and IHE
subassemblies are Class IV. However, the following examples of explosives activities with IHE
and IHE subassemblies will remain Class I:
some machining (see DOE M 440.1-1, Chapter II, paragraph 12.4.2.c);
dry blending;
dry milling; and
dry screening.
[DOE M 440.1-1]
EXPOSED (live parts): Capable of being inadvertently touched or approached nearer than a
safe distance by a person. It is applied to parts that are not suitably guarded, isolated, or
insulated. [IEEE 1584-2002] [NFPA 70E] [DOE-HDBK-1092-2004]
EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT (EA). The estimation or determination (qualitative or
quantitative) of the magnitude, frequency, duration, and route of employee exposure to a
substance, harmful physical agent, ergonomic stress, or harmful biological agent that poses or
may pose a recognized hazard to the health of employees. [DOE O 5480.10A (Draft)]
EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT(EA). The systematic collection and analysis of occupational
hazards and exposure determinants such as work tasks; magnitude, frequency, variability,
duration, and route of exposure; and the linkage of the resulting exposure profiles of individuals
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