| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1188-2006
and similarly exposed groups for the purposes of risk management and health surveillance.
[DOE G 440.1-3]
EXTERNAL DOSE OR EXPOSURE. That portion of the dose equivalent received from
radiation sources outside the body (e.g., "external sources"). [10 CFR 835.2]
EXTERNAL EVENTS. Natural phenomena or man-caused hazards not related to the facility.
[DOE G 450.4-1B]
EXTREMITY. Hands and arms below the elbow or feet and legs below the knee. [10 CFR
FACILITY. Land, buildings, and other structures, their functional systems and equipment, and
other fixed systems and equipment installed therein, including site development features outside
the plant, such as landscaping, roads, walks, and parking areas, outside lighting and
communication systems, central utility plants, utilities supply and distribution systems, and other
physical plant features. These include any of the DOE-owned, -leased, or controlled facilities,
and they may or may not be furnished to a contractor under a contract with DOE. [DOE O
FACILITY. Any equipment, structure, system, process, or activity that fulfills a specific
purpose. Facilities do not have to be structures. Examples include accelerators, storage areas,
fusion research devices, nuclear reactors, production or processing plants, coal conversion
plants, magnetohydrodynamics experiments, windmills, radioactive waste disposal systems and
burial grounds, environmental restoration activities, testing laboratories, research laboratories,
transportation activities, and accommodations for analytical examinations of irradiated and
unirradiated components. [DOE Glossary]
FACILITY. The buildings, utilities, structures, and other land improvements associated with an
operation or service and dedicated to a common function. [DOE G 450.4-1B]
FACILITY BOUNDARY. The fence or other barrier that surrounds and prevents
uncontrolled access to the nuclear facility or facilities. [DOE O 5480.30] [EH62dd1]
FACILITY MANAGER. That individual, or designee, usually but not always a contractor,
with direct line responsibility for operation of a facility or group of related facilities, including
authority to direct physical changes to the facility. [DOE M 232.1-1A]
FACILITY SHUTDOWN. (1) The situation in which a reactor is taken subcritical either
manually or automatically to a safe shutdown condition, or (2) the condition in which a
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