| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1188-2006
assigned mission. The maintenance plan should integrate individual maintenance activities
addressed under each functional unit life-cycle plan. [EH62dd1]
MAINTENANCE PROCEDURE. A document providing direction to implement DOE policy,
comply with DOE and external directives, laws or meet operational objectives in a consistent
manner. A procedure provides adequately detailed delineation of instructions, roles,
responsibilities, action steps, and requirements for conducting maintenance activities. [DOE G
MAINTENANCE WORK INSTRUCTIONS. Written instructions provided to maintenance
workers directing them on how to perform specific tasks. The level of detail of these
instructions is based on the complexity of the task, special engineering
considerations/specifications, and skill levels of the workers performing the task (skill-of-the-
craft). [DOE G 433.1-1]
MAINTENANCE WORK PACKAGE. A consolidated document used by maintenance
organizations which contains all the necessary procedures, instructions and requirements to
safely and effectively perform a maintenance task. A maintenance task should not be considered
complete until all of the requirements of the Maintenance Work Package have been satisfied.
[DOE G 433.1-1]
MAJOR MODIFICATION. A modification to a DOE nuclear facility that is completed on or
after April 9, 2001, that substantially changes the existing safety basis for the facility. [10 CFR
MANAGEMENT AND OPERATING CONTRACT. An agreement for the operation,
maintenance, or support, on behalf of the Government, of a Government-owned or controlled
research, development, special production, or testing establishment wholly or principally
devoted to one or more major programs of DOE. [10 CFR 707.4]
MANAGEMENT CONTROLS (INTERNAL CONTROLS). The organization, procedures,
and methods managers use to achieve their goals, including processes for planning, organizing,
directing, and controlling operations. Management controls are designed to provide reasonable
assurance that (1) programs achieve intended results; (2) resource use is consistent with DOE's
mission and resources are protected from waste, loss, unauthorized use, and misappropriation;
(3) laws and regulations are followed; and (4) decisions are based on reliable data.
Management controls apply to all programs and administrative functions. [DOE Glossary]
[DOE G 450.4-1B]
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