| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1188-2006
NUCLEAR FACILITY SUPERVISOR. A person certified by contractor nuclear facility
management to manipulate, handle, or direct the manipulation or handling of fissionable
materials, radioactive materials, or tritium in such form and quantity that a nuclear hazard
potentially exists to the employees or the general public, or to manipulate or direct the
manipulation of the controls of equipment used to produce, process, transfer, store, or package
such materials at DOE nonreactor nuclear facilities. Nuclear facility supervisors typically
include, but are not limited to, fissionable material handler supervisors, tritium operator
supervisors, chemical process operator supervisors, waste tank operator supervisors, and
enrichment plant operator supervisors. [8/25/95 Working Draft of 10 CFR 830]
NUCLEAR OPERATION. Processing, storing, transferring, or handling of significant
quantities of fissionable material. [DOE O 5480.24]
NUCLEAR SAFETY. Aspects of safety that encompass activities and systems that present the
potential for (1) uncontrolled releases of fission products or other radioactive materials to the
environment or (2) for inadvertent criticality. [DOE Glossary] [DOE G 450.4-1B]
"nuclear" in front of the word "facility" in first sentence). [DOE O 5480.21 and DOE O
NUCLEAR SAFETY REQUIREMENTS. Mandatory nuclear safety criteria such as those
issued in DOE rules, Orders, and notices. Non-mandatory guidance or "good practices" would
not be considered to be a requirement. However, nuclear safety standards, safety guides, or
other guidance which are considered mandatory or minimal acceptance practice when issued or
are used as mandatory requirements for assessments would be considered to be the same as
requirements. [EH62dd1]
NUCLEAR STATUTE. Any statute or provision of a statute that relates to a DOE nuclear
activity and for which DOE is responsible. [10 CFR 820.2]
OCCUPANCY. The purpose for which a building, or portion thereof, is used or intended to
be used. For DOE facilities, the occupancy classification for purposes of determining
construction, protection and area limitations should be as determined under the provisions of the
applicable local building code or the Uniform Building Code unless otherwise specified by the
DOE Authority Having Jurisdiction. [DOE-STD-1066-99]
OCCUPATIONAL CARCINOGEN. A chemical substance that has been evaluated by the
International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) and found to be a carcinogen or potential
carcinogen (i.e., Groups 1, 2A, or 2B); is listed as a substance known or reasonably anticipated
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