| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1188-2006
to be carcinogenic in the Annual Report on Carcinogens published by the National Toxicology
Program (NTP); is categorized as a confirmed human carcinogen or suspected human
carcinogen (i.e., designated as A1 or A2 substances) by the American Conference of
Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH); or is regulated by the U.S. Occupational Safety
and Health Administration as a carcinogen in an expanded health standard. [DOE O 5480.10A
OCCUPATIONAL CARCINOGEN. For purposes of DOE G 440.1-3, a chemical
substance utilized in the workplace that has been designated in the following sources as a
carcinogen or potential carcinogen: (a) National Toxicology Program, Annual Report on
Carcinogens (latest edition); (2) International Agency for Research on Cancer, Monographs
(latest editions); (3) U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration standard 29 CFR
1910, Subpart Z, Toxic and Hazardous Substances; and (4) American Conference of
Governmental Industrial Hygienists, Threshold Limit Values for Chemical Substances and
Physical Agents. [DOE G 440.1-3]
OCCUPATIONAL DOSE. An individual's ionizing radiation dose (external and internal) as a
result of that individual's work assignment. Occupational dose does not include doses received
as a medical patient or doses resulting from background radiation or participation as a subject in
medical research programs. [10 CFR 835.2]
OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH PROGRAM. A comprehensive and coordinated effort of those
involved in Radiological Protection, Industrial Hygiene, Occupational Medicine, and
Epidemiology to protect the health and well-being of Department of Energy contractor
employees in government-owned or -leased facilities. [DOE O 5480.10A (Draft)]
OCCUPIED AREA (EXPLOSIVES). Any work area to which personnel are assigned or any
non-work area where persons regularly congregate. In the context of Class II bays for
explosive facilities, access ramps, and plant roads are not considered occupied areas. [DOE O
OCCURRENCE. An event or a condition that adversely affects, or may adversely affect,
DOE or contractor personnel, the public, property, the environment, or the DOE mission.
Events or conditions meeting the criteria threshold identified in DOE M 232.1-1A are
occurrences. [DOE M 232.1-1A]
OCCURRENCE. Any event or incident that is a deviation from the planned or expected
behavior or course of events in connection with any Department of Energy or Department of
Energy-controlled operation, if the deviation has environmental, public health and safety, or
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