| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1188-2006
PLUTONIUM STORAGE FACILITY (PSF). Any facility constructed to store strategic
(category I) quantities of plutonium. [DOE O 6430.1A]
POLICY STATEMENTS. A policy statement is a top level DOE directive which is the
Department's statement of nuclear safety philosophy and values. All other requirements and
guidance flow from and must be consistent with the policy. It applies equally to the work of
DOE Elements and the work of contractors and subcontractors conducting activities in DOE
Nuclear Facilities. The DOE nuclear safety policy, currently stated in SEN-35-91, will be
incorporated into the DOE directives system. The directive on nuclear safety policy will include
a set of supporting topical policy statements which, when implemented, will support the nuclear
safety policy. The directive on nuclear safety policy will necessarily be general and will be
implemented through more specific basic nuclear, safety requirements established in DOE
Regulations and Orders. [DOE N 1321-138] [EH62dd1]
POLLUTION PREVENTION. A source reduction as defined in the Pollution Prevention Act,
and other practices that reduce or eliminate the creation of pollutants through 1) increased
efficiency in the use of raw materials, energy, water, or other natural resources; or 2) protection
of natural resources by conservation. The DOE has expanded this definition to include
recycling. [DOE G 450.1-1]
POST-ACCIDENT MONITORING (PAM) EQUIPMENT. Equipment and instrumentation
necessary to monitor the parameters necessary to assess facility and environs conditions both
on-site and off-site, during and following an accident. PAM equipment and instrumentation must
have an extended operating range or measuring range to envelop the conditions of the accidents.
(See Continuous Air Monitoring, Monitoring, Performance Monitoring, Personal Monitoring,
Personnel Monitoring, Primary Environmental Monitors, Safety Class Monitoring Equipment,
and Secondary Environmental Monitors) [EH62dd1]
POST-MAINTENANCE TEST. Applicable and appropriate testing performed following
maintenance to verify that a particular structure, system, and component, piece of equipment, or
process performs its intended function based on its design criteria and that the original deficiency
has been corrected and no new deficiencies created. In some cases, the extent of a particular
postmaintenance test may extend beyond the component or piece of equipment that has been
repaired, replaced or modified to complete systems or processes, depending on the type of
maintenance action performed and the affect that the component or piece of equipment has on
the total system or process. [DOE G 433.1-1]
POWER PLANT EXPERIENCE. Experience acquired in the testing, operation, or
maintenance of power generating facilities. Experience in design and construction may be
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