| ![]() DOE-HDBK-3012-2003
During the pre-visit, team members will:
Receive briefings by the operations office/site office and/or contractor management on safety,
security, the organization, processes, and operations of the facility as well as, specific information
concerning the nature of the restart or startup.
Walkthrough the facility or process area to observe any current operations to acquaint team members
with the facility and processes in question.
Complete any special training or fitting, such as respirator training and fitting, which might be
necessary to allow for access to the facility during the ORR.
Develop their Shift Evolution and Interview list(s) to be provided to the site so they can plan and
schedule events and personnel availability.
Meet with their counterpart and develop a methodology for completing their assigned criteria.
Expect and plan to be in regular communication with the site-appointed counterparts as they will
provide the best source of site-specific information and access available to the team member.
Complete any required reading of documents that cannot be accomplished readily elsewhere, e.g.,
classified documents.
Provide proposed CRAD changes to the Team Leader before the end of the pre-visit for inclusion in
the Implementation Plan. During the pre-visit, draft CRADs should be shared and discussed with
counterparts to ensure accuracy and completeness.
At the first team meeting of the Pre-visit, the Team Leader should:
Emphasize that the ORR is an arduous and intense process for which team members are expected to
provide their complete and undivided attention. Discuss time commitment for preparation and during
the ORR. The ORR will be a full time, dedicated assignment. Work hours will be long to
accommodate the schedule, including possible evolutions and interviews on the off shifts. Saturday
work may be required to complete the forms on schedule. Local team members will have no time for
their regularly assigned work.
Define the ORR team's relationship with the site. The ORR is conducted to verify the site's readiness
to safely conduct operations. Clarify/restate that the ORR will not start until the contractor facility
management has declared readiness and the appropriate authority has directed the Team Leader to
start the ORR. If the scheduled dates for the ORR must change, the Team Leader will keep the team
members informed of schedule changes. Team members will also need to inform the Team Leader of
their availability when the schedule changes.
Establish that the Team Leader is responsible for all aspects of the inspection.
Define the expected schedule for the ORR, including the time frame for submission of all deliverables
(see Appendix 9).
Explain the need for and use of the various forms:
- Assessment Forms (Form 1s) are used to document the methods and actions taken in the criteria
evaluation process. Additional guidance is provided in Appendix 4 of the ORR Standard and
Appendix 10 of this document.
- Deficiency Forms (Form 2s) are used to document the findings identified during the criteria
evaluation process. Findings are to be documented (i.e., a Form 2 drafted) as soon as there is
reasonable evidence to substantiate a finding. This allows the Team Leader to present site
management a daily briefing of emerging issues and allows the site to better facilitate the finding
validation process. Additional guidance is provided in Appendix 4 of the ORR Standard and
Appendix 10 of this document.
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