| ![]() DOE-HDBK-3012-2003
1. Make introductions.
2. Allow for a series of briefs by the site explaining the site's management and organization, its
functions, operations and interfaces.
3. Brief the audience on the ORR process and the ORR schedule.
4. Brief site audience and team on the rules for interaction between team members and site
personnel. The team will not act as safety monitors or direct operations. The team will refrain
from distracting the operators. The team will not violate site rules, cross boundaries without
authority, violate control room/area boundaries or in any other way become an initiating event
during the ORR. The team will not act as evolution or drill observers. The team will strive to be
invisible so as to not influence the performance of the facility. Request that all operators be
briefed on these rules and in particular that no action should be taken in response to questions or
discussion by the team. The team will initiate action, preferable through a supervisor or escort, if
an immediate unsafe condition is encountered.
The following items need to be reiterated at afternoon team meetings throughout the inspection:
Encourage the identification of any unclear issues. They still need to be identified so that others may
consider them at a later date.
Re-emphasize that team members should focus on that portion of the organization directly responsible
for their area. Contact outside their area, specifically including interviews with senior site
management, must be discussed in advance with the Team Leader.
Insist on validation of facts. ORR teams validate facts they collect on a continuous basis. Facility and
DOE line management and the counterparts are the primary points of contact for validating facts.
It is also important to try and gauge the response of site management to the conclusions that are
drawn from the validated facts.
Maintain a running record of the important issues brought out at each nightly meeting.
The technical editor or Review Coordinator will review all Forms and summaries. Team members are
encouraged to use the technical editor and Senior Advisor's assistance. The Senior Advisor should also
review and provide assistance with completion of the required forms and summaries. If appropriate, all
Assessment Forms will be reviewed by a derivation classifier.
Team members should provide the Team Leader a draft Form 2 for each finding as soon as sufficient
information has been gathered to define the finding. It is important to ensure factual accuracy. The
Facility and DOE line management and the counterparts are the primary points of contact for validating
facts. If facts have not been validated, do not use them. If you have validated facts, know with whom or
by what reference you validated. Be sure that person has the authority to validate. It is important that the
team exercise the responsibility for drawing conclusions and reaching judgments from facts.
Each team member must keep accurate and complete notes of the activities. Notes must include titles of
individuals interviewed as well as the notes of the interview results; title, document number, date, and
revision number for all documents reviewed as well as the conclusions or information resulting from the
document reviews; and details of all evolutions that are observed. This information will be required to
complete the assessment and deficiency forms.
Assessment Forms (Form 1s) are used to document the methods and actions taken in the criteria
evaluation process. Team members are encouraged to update their Form 1s daily to ensure complete
record keeping of all inspection activities. The Team Leader may choose to require each team member
provide daily draft Form 1s for his/her review. Additional guidance is provided in Appendix 4 of the
ORR Standard, and Appendix 10 of this document.
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