| ![]() DOE-STD-1073-2003
Configuration Management
Post-Construction/ -Modification/ -Installation Assessments
Following completion of construction, modification, or installation, the contractor should
perform inspections and tests to verify expected operation. Section of
DOE O 420.1A requires contractors to test systems following modifications to ensure
that they continue to be capable of fulfilling system requirements. These inspections and
tests ensure that the system, structure, or component is installed as documented, meets the
design requirements, and is verified to be operable prior to being placed into service
initially or returned to service. This function prevents unintended changes from being
introduced through errors during design or construction. For physical changes, these
inspections and tests serve as a final and independent adequacy check of the design and
technical reviews for the change. If a changed SSC fails to meet its acceptance criteria, it
should not be turned over for normal operations until either a technical review has been
completed and any follow-up actions completed or the SSC is returned to its original
condition and tested satisfactorily. For the post-modification tests to be effective test
conditions should be consistent with normal and emergency operating conditions and
acceptance criteria should demonstrate that the applicable design requirements are met.
It is important to verify that inadvertent changes were not introduced during a
modification. Depending on the extent and complexity of a modification, and the degree
of work control, the contractor may need to perform inspections and tests on portions of
the nuclear facility that were not modified to properly verify the expected operation after
a modification.
Periodic Performance Assessments
As required by DOE O 433.1, Maintenance Management Program for DOE Nuclear
Facilities, systems, and components within the configuration management process must
be monitored and tested periodically to determine if they are still capable of meeting their
design and performance requirements. The process for performing this monitoring and
testing should be described in the Maintenance Implementation Plan (MIP) required by
DOE O 433.1. DOE G 433.1-1, Nuclear Facility Maintenance Management Program
Guide for Use with DOE O 433.1, provides information useful for developing and
implementing this monitoring program. Monitoring and testing may take the form of
surveillance actions, periodic in-service inspections and tests, and other monitoring of
systems and components to ensure safe and reliable operation of the facility. In addition
to observing direct results, derived results may include reliability assessment,
performance trending, and equipment aging characteristics. Contractors should use the
results of this monitoring to identify and avoid inconsistencies between functional and
performance requirements identified in the design and actual capability of systems and
components. In addition, contractors should use trending of data to detect degradation of
equipment due to aging or other causes.
By performing periodic performance monitoring, contractors should verify that selected
systems and components continue to be able to perform their intended functions (i.e.,
meet their design requirements). Contractors should correct any deficiencies identified
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