| ![]() DOE-STD-1073-2003
Configuration Management
during the periodic performance assessments that cause the systems or components to
deviate from design requirements (see 10 CFR 830.122(c)(2)). Contractors should also
identify any root causes of performance degradation (see 10 CFR 830.122(c) (3)).
Contractors should routinely monitor, collect, trend, and analyze performance data
(including thermal, hydraulic, electrical, and mechanical data). Calibrated
instrumentation should be used when performing these activities (see 10 CFR 830.122(e)
(4) and (h) (2)). The methods of implementation should include procedures, checklists,
or other guidance documents necessary to conduct these activities.
Cognizant System Engineers should maintain cognizance over performance monitoring
activities on assigned systems. Their responsibilities should include the identification of
performance goals and acceptance criteria consistent with the associated SSC design
requirements. Reviewing trend graphs of collected equipment data at specified intervals
is a proven, effective approach. For example, if the trend graph indicates that the
equipment likely will not meet the acceptance criteria at or before the next scheduled test,
an adjustment in the test schedule and other maintenance actions would be necessary.
Recognition of interfaces with existing maintenance program requirements is necessary.
Surveillance testing is typically performed to satisfy regulatory, code, or other
requirements to ensure operability of the equipment within established limits. The results
of surveillance testing should be used to detect and correct any deficiencies that cause the
equipment to deviate from the design requirements. Surveillance testing techniques are
similar in many ways to those used in SSC performance monitoring. The results of
surveillance testing should be reviewed and trended, and necessary corrective actions
taken to return equipment performance to within the design requirements. The periodic
equipment performance monitoring function should take credit for periodic surveillance
testing, where appropriate. Periodic testing, beyond that in the TSR surveillance
requirements, may be adjusted both in frequency and degree of technical content based
on the importance of the SSC or the particular SSC function. The origin of various
testing requirements should be documented and maintained in the MIP as specified in
DOE O 433.1, Maintenance Management Program for DOE Nuclear Facilities.
Contractors should include the design engineers, as well as Cognizant System Engineers,
in the periodic review of operating and maintenance procedures to alert maintenance and
other organizations to any design changes in the affected systems.
Resolution of Open Items
Contractors should document assessment findings as open items if they are validated to
involve one or more of the following:
contradictory information from different source documents
unanswered technical questions
missing, undocumented or inaccurate information
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