| ![]() DOE-STD-1098-99
Radiological Control
Training and Qualification
June 2004
The oral examination board provides an opportunity to identify areas of strength and weakness related to performance of
radiological control technician duties and supervisor functions. The oral examination board also provides the opportunity
to identify additional training needs to enhance radiological control technician and supervisor training programs.
An oral examination board should determine the initial qualification and requalification of candidates for RCT and
supervisor positions.
The radiological control manager should designate the board members and appoint a chairperson.
The board constituted to evaluate RCT qualification should be composed of at least three persons to include an
RCT supervisor, radiological control staff, and line management operations department supervisors and staff
personnel, as applicable. RCT instructors may participate as non-voting members.
The board should assess the candidate's response to normal and emergency situations. Questions should be of the
type that are not normally covered in a written examination.
The board constituted to evaluate RCT supervisor qualification should not include peers or subordinates as voting
645 Continuing Training
Following initial qualification, the RCT should begin a 2-year cycle of continuing training required for
Every requalification should include completion of practical training and a comprehensive written examination. A
final oral examination board is encouraged.
Continuing training should provide continued improvement in the knowledge and skills of the RCT.
Continuing training should include site-specific and DOE-wide changes in requirements and updates of lessons
learned from operating experience and industry events.
Continuing training should include written examinations as applicable, demonstrations of proficiency controlled by
qualification standards, and oral examinations as needed to prepare for the comprehensive biennial requalification.
Infrequently performed tasks, such as those for emergency response, may require annual training. Other tasks may
require training prior to initiation.
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