| ![]() DOE-STD-1098-99
Radiological Control
Training and Qualification
June 2004
646 Radiological Control Technician Supervisors
Because of the nature of their duties, RCT supervisors would generally be considered to be subject to the education,
training, and skill requirements of 10 CFR 835.103. Training and education standards for RCT supervisors should
be consistent with DOE-STD-1107-97, Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities for Key Radiation Protection Positions at
DOE Facilities.
RCT supervisors should have supervisory and leadership capabilities to direct the work of technicians; effectively
interact with crafts, line supervisors, professional staff, and other managers; and be able to respond and direct others
in emergency and abnormal situations.
RCT supervisors' knowledge of facility radiological control hazards, programs, and procedures should be
reassessed every 2 years. DOE encourages the use of comprehensive oral examination boards in accordance with
Article 643.
Oral examination boards should focus on the ability to analyze situations and supervise subordinates. The RCT
supervisor's depth of knowledge should exceed that expected of an RCT.
647 Subcontracted Radiological Control Technicians
Because their responsibilities closely parallel those of in-house RCTs, subcontracted RCTs would generally be
considered to be subject to the education, training, and skill requirements of 10 CFR 835.103 and should have the
same knowledge and qualifications required of facility technicians performing the same duties. To obviate the need
for full training as an RCT, the training and qualification program should include the following:
Review of resumes to identify technicians with experience in jobs similar to those for which they will be
Written examination and oral evaluation to verify appropriate knowledge level
Identification of the duties technicians will be authorized to perform
Training in facility procedures and equipment associated with the authorized duties
Training on recent operating experience
Observation of on-the-job performances by the radiological control technician Supervisor.
Subcontracted technicians who work at the facility for extended time periods (more than 6 months) should receive
continuing training commensurate with their assigned duties. Completion of an oral examination in accordance
with Article 643 is encouraged.
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