| ![]() DOE-STD-1098-99
Radiological Control
Excellence in Radiological Control
March 2005
several sites but who also operate sites with more than one prime contractor, the site manual should take precedence
over the corporate radiological control manual.
Subcontractors should comply with the site-specific radiological control manual.
Where DOE employees are conducting the transport of nuclear devices or components, a program-specific
radiological control manual, based upon the provisions of this Standard, should be issued and approved by the DOE
Operations Office Manager. Controlled copies of such manuals should be provided to the Secretarial Officer
having primary responsibility for operations at the site.
115 Application of Provisions
This Standard assumes that most facilities or sites have organizations in place that generally meet the provisions
presented in the text. It is not the intent of this Standard to unnecessarily create new or separate organizations if
those functions can be incorporated into existing ones. Existing organizational and committee charters should be
revised to reflect the provisions and emphasis of this Standard. Similarly, titles such as "radiological control
manager" and "radiological control technician" that are used in the Standard may locally be designated differently.
A phased approach to transition to the use of the titles of positions in this Standard should be adopted.
Corresponding position descriptions and organizational charts should be revised to accurately reflect required
radiological control responsibilities.
The degree of program formality and extent of the associated administrative process should be commensurate with
the extent of existing and potential radiological hazards. For example, a site with an annual collective total
effective dose equivalent of one person-rem or less, that works with small quantities of unsealed radioactive
material, would not be expected to have a radiological control program as complex as one required at higher hazard
sites. At lower hazard sites, some program elements may be satisfied by brief policy statements.
116 User Groups
DOE encourages its contractors to establish informal working associations that promote dialogue among the
radiological control organizations from similar or comparable facilities. User Groups should include representation
from various contractors. Assignment of members to the user groups should be on a rotating basis.
To assist contractors in identifying and adopting proven practices and implementing procedures in a timely manner
within the DOE complex, DOE encourages its contractors to develop, through the User Groups, Radiological Work
Practices Handbooks that can be used by a given category or class of facilities associated with the User Group.
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