| ![]() DOE-STD-1098-99
Radiological Control
Excellence in Radiological Control
March 2005
This Standard sets forth DOE's views on the proper course of action in the area of radiological control within the
scope of DOE-sponsored activities. The words "shall" and "should" have the meaning below when used in this
The word "shall" identifies those elements and requirements that DOE has considered and found to be mandatory
due to their derivation from related regulatory requirements found in 10 CFR 835 or other regulations or DOE
orders. These requirements are indicated by a bracketed reference following the related Standard provision (e.g.,
[see 835.XXX]). For purposes of regulatory and contractual compliance, DOE encourages users of the Standard to
refer to the source document to view the requirement in context and to determine the applicability of the
requirement to the specific facility operations and hazards. Federal regulation 10 CFR part 820, Procedural Rules
for DOE Nuclear Activities, establishes requirements for obtaining exemptions from DOE regulatory requirements.
Due to its primary focus on line management implementation strategies, the Standard does not address all of the
requirements of 10 CFR 835.
The word "should" means DOE has evaluated the provision and found that it is a proven practice or remedy that
supports compliance with the basic requirements found in applicable regulations or DOE Orders or their underlying
basis documents for occupational radiation protection.. The use of "should" recognizes that: 1) there may be site-
or facility-specific attributes that warrant special treatment; 2) the safety benefit derived from implementation of the
provision may not in all cases be commensurate with the associated detriments (e.g., financial cost, worker
discomfort, schedule impacts); and 3) literal compliance with the provision may not achieve the desired level of
radiological control performance. Although a contractor may decide to follow an alternative technique, approach,
or method in lieu of the "should" provision, DOE encourages implementation of these provisions to ensure
compliance with the underlying basic requirements.
The term "Article" is used to reference portions or sections of this document. For ease of communications, portions
of this document should be referred to as Articles. For example, the appropriate reference to this Article is Article
114 Site-Specific Manual
The contractor senior site executive should issue and endorse a site-specific radiological control manual that
invokes the applicable provisions of this Standard. The site-specific radiological control manual does not require
review or approval by DOE-EH. One approach in the development of site-specific radiological control manuals is
to invoke the applicable provisions of this Standard as written with site specific additions, supplements, and
clarifications clearly indicated, included in the appropriate chapters, and directly referenced to the corresponding
article. The provisions of specific articles may be changed from "should" to "shall" on a site-specific basis as
necessary to emphasize those measures that are deemed necessary for compliance or to ensure the desired level of
safety. Additions and supplements to address unique situations or to provide more detailed or prescriptive direction
may be included.
Management policies, requirements, expectations, and objectives for the site radiological control program should be
clearly and unambiguously stated.
The site-specific manual should be kept current and entered into the contractor document control system.
If a site has multiple facilities, there should be one manual for the site and one radiological control organization. If
a prime contractor manages several DOE sites, efforts should be made to have one corporate radiological control
manual that applies to all of that prime contractor's DOE sites. For a site that has multiple prime contractors, a
common manual, with facility-, contractor-, or building-specific guidance to accommodate unique considerations,
should be issued and endorsed by each contractor's senior site executive. For prime contractors who manage
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