| DOE-STD-1104-96
be conducted to assure consistency. If active, safety-class SSCs will usually have a
safety limit and a limiting control setting associated with it, as well as a surveillance
requirement. An active Safety Significant SSC may have a limiting condition of operation
and surveillance requirement and/or specific provisions of a maintenance management
program associated with it. In any case, safety SSCs must be addressed specifically in
TSR provisions. Technical bases for limiting control settings and surveillance
requirements in the Bases appendix of the TSR should be reviewed for adequacy. All
these provisions are directed at assurance that the safety function of the SSC will be
Other Important Defense-In-Depth SSCs
DOE Standards define only Safety Class and Safety Significant SSCs, criteria for their
designation, and design requirements (in the case of new design). Provisions exist for
line management to designate additional important defense-i n-depth items, independent
of safety analysis. If such items are designated, it should be confirmed that any
management direction relative to assurance of safety function is implemented through the
3.2.4 Safety Management Programs
Hazards analyses may invoke particular aspects of safety management programs, such
as emergency preparedness, criticality safety, procedures and training, etc. Any
particular provisions of these programs unique to the facility should have been described
in the DSA. The administrative controls section of the TSR should include commitments
to implement those programs identified in the DSA as important to the facility's safety
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