| ![]() DOE-STD-1120-2005/Vol. 2
Radiological DOE O 5480.20A Change 1 (7/12/01) *
Provides requirements for establishing and implementing personnel selection,
Personnel Selection, Qualification, and
qualification, and training requirements.
Training Requirements for DOE Facilities
Provides detailed qualification criteria for contractor key radiation protection
Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities for Key
Radiation Protection Positions at DOE
10 CFR 830 *
Provides requirements for the conduct of the DOE management and
Nuclear Safety Management
operating contractors and other persons at DOE nuclear facilities. This part
establishes requirements for the safe management of DOE contractor and
Category 3
subcontractor work at the Department's nuclear facilities. The current rule
or above)
adopts the sections that make up the general applicable provisions and also
adopts the specific section on provisions for developing and implementing a
formalized quality assurance program.
10 CFR 830 Subpart A *
Provides requirements for the development of a quality assurance program
Quality Assurance Requirements
for nuclear facilities.
DOE O 5480.19 Change 2 (10/23/01) *
Provides requirements for establishing and implementing a conduct of
Conduct of Operations Requirements for
operations program.
DOE Facilities
DOE O 5480.20A Change 1 (7/12/01) *
Provides requirements for establishing and implementing personnel selection,
Personnel Selection, Qualification, and
qualification, and training requirements.
Training Requirements for DOE Facilities
10 CFR 830.203 *
Provides requirements for performing USQ determinations process.
Unreviewed safety question process
10 CFR 830.205 *
Establishes the requirement to have TSRs prepared for DOE nuclear facilities
Technical safety requirements
and delineates the criteria, content, scope, format, approval process,
reporting, and revision requirements of these TSRs.
10 CFR 830.204 *
Establishes requirements for developing safety analyses that establish and
Documented safety analysis
evaluate the adequacy of the safety basis of the facilities.
Provides guidelines for conducting reviews of DOE SARs.
Review and Approval of Non-Reactor
Nuclear Facility Safety Analysis Reports
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