| DOE-STD-1120-2005/Vol. 2
Radiological DOE G 441.1-3 (3/17/99)
Provides an acceptable methodology for establishing and operating an
Internal Dosimetry Program
internal dosimetry program that will comply with DOE requirements as in 10
CFR 835.
DOE G 441.1-4 (3/17/99)
Provides an acceptable methodology for establishing and operating an
External Dosimetry Program
external dosimetry program that will comply with DOE requirements as in 10
CFR 835.
Provides an acceptable methodology for establishing and operating a RGD
DOE G 441.1-5 (4/15/99)
control program that will comply with DOE requirements. This also applies
Radiation-Generating Devices (RGD)
to radiography sources. Section IV.B.8 covers RGD decommissioning.
DOE G 441.1-6 (4/29/99)
Provides an acceptable methodology for establishing and operating a program
Evaluation and Control of Fetal Exposure
to evaluate and control radiation exposure to the embryo/fetus of pregnant
female workers that will comply with DOE requirements.
Provides an acceptable methodology for establishing and operating a program
DOE G 441.1-7 (6/17/99)
for calibrating portable radiological survey instruments that will comply with
Instrument Calibration Guide for Portable
DOE requirements.
DOE G 441.1-8 (3/17/99)
Provides an acceptable methodology for establishing and operating an air
Air Monitoring Guide
monitoring program that will comply with DOE requirements.
DOE G 441.1-10 (5/24/99)
Provides an acceptable methodology for establishing and operating a
Posting and Labeling for Radiological
radiological posting and labeling program compliant with DOE requirements.
Control Guide
DOE G 441.1-11 (5/20/99)
Provides an acceptable methodology for establishing and operating an
Occupational Radiation Protection Record
occupational radiation protection record keeping and reporting program
Keeping and Reporting Guide
compliant with DOE requirements.
DOE G 441.1-12 (3/17/99)
Provides an acceptable methodology for establishing and operating a
Radiation Safety Training Guide
radiation safety training program compliant with DOE requirements.
Establishes radiation standards and requirements to be met by DOE facilities
DOE O 5400.5 Change 2 (1/7/93) *
and operations in order to protect the environment and members of the
Radiation Protection of the Public and
DOE O 435.1 Change 1 (8/28/01) *
Provides DOE policies, guidelines, and requirements for the management of
Radioactive Waste Management
DOE radioactive waste, mixed waste, and contaminated facilities.
DOE G 441.1-13 (4/15/99)
Provides an acceptable methodology for establishing and operating a sealed
Sealed Radioactive Source Accountability
radioactive source accountability and control program compliant with DOE
and Control Guide
requirements, applicable also to radiography sources.
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