| DOE-STD-1136-2004
Guide of Good Practices for Occupational Radiological Protection in Uranium Facilities
Performance Criteria for Fixed Monitoring Instruments
Airborne contamination monitors, surface contamination monitors, and photon area monitors,
and emergency instrumentation are fixed monitoring instruments subject to the following standard
performance criteria.
meet the following criteria according to ANSI N317. The primary purpose of any CAM is to detect the
presence of airborne radioactivity and activate an alarm to warn personnel in the area so actions can be
taken to minimize personnel exposures. The goal for any CAM should be to perform this function as
quickly as possible and at the lowest detectable level of radioactive airborne concentration. The quantity of
airborne radioactivity that will result in an alarm within a given time interval is defined
in units of DAC-h for a particular radionuclide and is a function of the nuclide's airborne concentration in
DACs, the sampling rate, the lower limit of detection of the instrument, and the time needed for the alarm to
occur. Mishima et al. provides guidance on each of these functions.
ANSI N42.17B provides additional performance criteria for air monitors used to detect uranium.
This standard provides specifications for general criteria (sampler design, units of readout, alarm
threshold, etc.), electronic criteria (alarms, stability, response time, coefficient of variation, and line noise
susceptibility), radiation response, interfering responses (radiofrequency, microwave, electrostatic, and
magnetic fields), environmental criteria (temperature, humidity, and pressure), and air-circuit criteria.
More detailed specifications are provided in ANSI N42.17B than in ANSI N317; however, the
environmental criteria and the limits of variation are not as restrictive as those in ANSI N317. With
respect to accuracy, ANSI N317 requires less than 20%, and ANSI N42.17B requires 40% at the 95%
confidence level. For the environmental criteria, ANSI N317 requires that the readings change less than
5% under ambient conditions, while ANSI N42.17B gives a 15% limit of variation. As discussed
previously, criteria from ANSI N42.17B are more applicable because they are supported by instrument
ANSI N13.1 provides detailed guidance on sampling methods from stacks and ducts. One criterion
that relates to CAMs is that air sample lines between air inlet and filter media should be eliminated where
possible; where not possible, they should be designed to meet the sampling criteria contained in the
standard (e.g., short lines, proper sampling rate, smooth bends). The use of Tygon tubing as sample lines
should be minimized or eliminated. Air in- leakage from surrounding areas can be a problem when using
sampling lines. Testing for air in- leakage should be performed at least annually or when seals or "O" rings
are replaced.
counters and instruments (or probes) with sufficient flexibility to survey pieces of equipment, including
exterior clothing. ANSI N317 states these instruments should have an audible alarm, a frequency that is
proportional to the count rate, or a pre-selectable trip setting, and upon reaching that level, should
activate an audible or visible alarm or both. These instruments should be calibrated according to the
requirements in ANSI N323 and be equipped with a check source. Fixed instruments should be powered by
alternating current (AC) and provided with an emergency power source.
Performance Criteria for Emergency Instrumentation
Meeting the criteria for criticality accident alarm systems, fixed nuclear accident dosimeters, and
other emergency instrumentation is essential.
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