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Guide of Good Practices for Occupational Radiological Protection in Uranium Facilities
Criticality Accident Alarm Systems (CAAS). See section 7.0 for discussion of nuclear
criticality safety, including CAAS.
Fixed Nuclear Accident Dosimeters. All DOE facilities that have sufficient quantities and kinds
of fissile material to potentially constitute a critical mass should provide nuclear accident dosimetry.
Requirements for fixed nuclear accident dosimeters are found in 10 CFR 835.1304 and DOE Order
420.1A, Facility Safety (DOE 2002).
Effluent Monitors. Facilities should evaluate potential emissions in accordance with
ANSI/HPS N13.1 to determine the need for stack sampling and/or monitoring.
Other Emergency Instrumentation. Other emergency instrumentation should provide ranges for
all radiation dose rates and contamination levels potentially encountered at the time of an accident.
Normally, dose rate capabilities from a few millirem per hour to a few hundred rem per hour should be
required while capability requirements for the contamination level may range upward from
200 dpm/100 cm2 for alpha contaminants and 100 dpm/100 cm2 for beta-gamma emitters. Performance
specifications for emergency radiological monitoring instrumentation can be found in ANSI N320-1979,
Performance Specifications for Reactor Emergency Radiological Monitoring Instrumentation (ANSI 1975)
and BNWL-1742, Technological Consideration in Emergency Instrumentation Preparedness. Phase II-B -
Emergency Radiological and Meteorological Instrumentation for Mixed Oxide Fuel Fabrication Facilities
(Andersen et al. 1974).
Instrument Calibrations and Testing
Radiation doses and energies in the work areas should be well characterized. Calibration of
instruments should be conducted where possible under conditions and with radiation energies similar to
those encountered at the work stations. Knowledge of the work area radiation spectra and instrument
energy response should permit the application of correction factors when it is not possible to calibrate
with a source that has the same energy spectrum. All calibration sources should be traceable to recognized
national standards. When the work areas have been well characterized, the calibration facility used by the
uranium facility should be set up to represent as closely as possible the work area's radiation fields.
DOE G 441.1-7, Portable Monitoring Instrument Calibration Guide (DOE 1999i) and ANSI N323
provide guidance on radiation monitoring instrument calibration. The reproducibility of the instrument
readings should be known prior to making calibration adjustments. This is particularly important if the
instrument has failed to pass a periodic performance test (i.e., the instrument response varies by more than
20% from a set of reference readings using a check source) or if the instrument has been repaired. The
effect of energy dependence, temperature, humidity, ambient pressure, and source-to detector geometry
should be known when performing the primary calibration. Primary calibration should be performed at least
Standards referenced in Section 3.5.2 discuss specific performance testing of radiation detection
instruments. Testing procedures in these standards should be used for periodic requalification of
instruments or detailed testing of instruments.
The calibration of photon monitoring instruments over the energy range from a few keV to 300 keV
is best accomplished with an x-ray machine and appropriate filters that provide known x-ray spectra from a
few kiloelectron volts to approximately 300 keV. Radionuclide sources should be used for higher

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