| ![]() DOE-STD-1136-2004
Guide of Good Practices for Occupational Radiation Protection in Uranium Facilities
d. information on factors that could influence the selection of decommissioning alternatives (safe
storage, entombment, dismantling), such as potential future use, long-range site plans, facility
condition, and potential health, safety, and environmental hazards.
One portion of the site-characterization process is a composite of several different types of surveys:
background, scoping (or preliminary site characterization), and detailed characterization, as defined by
Berger (1992). Guidance for conducting site characterizations as part of the remedial
investigations/feasibility studies (RI/FS) under CERCLA can be found in EPA/540/G-89/004, Guidance
for Conducting Remedial Investigations and Feasibility Studies Under CERCLA (EPA 1988b).
The background survey information (i.e., direct radiation levels and concentrations of potential
radionuclide contaminants in construction materials and soils) may be performed as part of the
environmental baseline studies during pre-operational activities. Otherwise, background levels should be
determined at onsite or immediately offsite locations that are unaffected by operations.
The scoping or preliminary site characterization study should be performed to identify the potential
radionuclide contaminants at the site, the relative ratios of these nuclides, and the general extent of
contamination. The survey provides the basis for initial estimates of the required decommissioning effort
and a framework for planning the more detailed characterization study. A limited number of
measurements will be made at locations that are most likely to have contamination. Scoping or
preliminary site characterization surveys may be conducted during the post-operational phase.
The detailed characterization survey will more precisely define the extent and magnitude of
contamination. The resulting data will be used to assist in planning for the decontamination effort,
including decontamination techniques and health and safety considerations during decommissioning. Environmental Review Process
Candidate decommissioning alternatives should be identified, assessed, and evaluated, and preferred
decommissioning alternatives should be selected based on the results of the environmental review. The
review should be performed according to the requirements of NEPA, RCRA, CERCLA, and SARA.
Depending on the operation, the environmental review may consist of an EA or an EIS (see Section 10.2.1). Decommissioning Planning
The first step in decommissioning planning is the development of a series of absolute criteria.
These will necessarily include such items as compliance with DOE Orders, EPA regulations, interagency
agreements, and other statutes. They may also include commitments to states, landowners, or others, or
provisions of the original EIS.
As these criteria are developed, other high-value criteria may also be established. These are likely to
include such considerations as maximizing the aesthetic and recreational value of the site, performing
decommissioning within allocated funds, lowest worker dose, lowest population dose, lowest cost, lowest
future surveillance commitment, and least effect in case of probable accidents. Depending on the viability
of the decommissioning action, the decision- making process that has been established, and the level of
public concern, notice of a scoping meeting may be published in the Federal Register and
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